
Welcome to the Nanohana Marathon website

Held on the second Sunday of January each year, the Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon is one of Japan’s leading civilian marathons.

Along the route runners encounter shouts of encouragement and warm hospitality from local residents, unique performances, and the beauty of the Nanohana Road. Warm udon and soba noodles, sweet potatoes, azuki bean soup, and excitement await them at the finish line.

The Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Executive Committee wish to extend a warm welcome to all.



To runners

This website provides everything you need to know to participate in the marathon. Explore the links below for an overview of the event, a description of the course, instructions on how to enter, competition rules and information, and information about accommodations and transportation.

Event Overview

Shouts of encouragement from locals and abundant natural beauty welcome runners. With more than 40 years of history, the Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon is an appealing race that takes runners past Ibusuki’s beautiful rapeseed blossoms and other picturesque sightseeing destinations.

Event Information

Learn about the Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon and review event information. Gain a detailed understanding of the event and find everything you need to prepare.


View a map of the course and explore related details. Review the course characteristics so that you can run with confidence and peace of mind.




Entry is via a third-party website. Find detailed instructions about how to enter and a link here.



Competition Rules and Information

Review important rules and other information concerning participation. Be sure to read over this important information so that all runners can participate safely.

Accommodations and Transportation

Explore information about lodging and accommodations near the venue and transportation by JR (train). Find everything you need to know so that you can plan an enjoyable experience in advance.