
Competition Rules and Information

  1. The race will be run in accordance with the rules of the Japan Association of Athletics Federations and with the marathon’s own rules.
  2. Applicants from outside Japan can receive their bib the day before or the day of the race.
  3. To ensure safety, the starting order will be based on self-reported times. The runner’s most recent completion time for the Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon, if available, will be used for this purpose. Please start in the block you are assigned and follow all announcements and staff instructions.
  4. To ensure safety, the starting order will be based on self-reported times. The runner’s most recent completion time for the Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon, if available, will be used for this purpose. Please start in the block you are assigned and follow all announcements and staff instructions.
  5. With the exception of providing first aid, the organizer is not responsible for any injury, disease, loss of property, or other accidents. Runners are responsible for managing their own health. (It is the organizer’s hope that all participants will check their own state of health by means of an exercise electrocardiogram or other means before participating.)
  6. During the race, participants may be asked to stop running so that emergency vehicles can pass.
  7. During the race, please stay on the left side of the road, and do not cross the center line when overtaking other runners.
  8. Please follow the instructions of local police officers and event staff during the race.
  9. Traffic restrictions put in place to facilitate the race will be lifted after 7 hours (at 4:00 pm). After that time, please follow the instructions of event staff and run on the sidewalk.
  10. The organizer retains the right to use video, photography, articles, and times from the race on television, in newspapers and magazines, online, in commercials, and in other media.
  11. Participants are responsible for bringing suitable clothing in case of cold, rain, or other adverse weather.
  12. Runners may not carry mobile phones, music players, or other devices. Runners who are not officially participating in the race may run in costume, but costumes that are not appropriate for a sporting event, for example costumes that could make runners or supporters uncomfortable or pose a hazard, will not be permitted.
  13. The organizer will take basic steps to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, for example by making hand sanitizer available, but participants who are concerned should take additional steps on their own. Please take any trash home with you.
  14. The Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel the race in the event it determines that it would be difficult to hold it safely, for example due to a natural disaster or outbreak of infectious disease. Please bear this possibility in mind when entering.
  15. Disclaimer Please note the following in the event the organizer decides to cancel the event. ①In the event the race is canceled after you’ve paid your entry fee, you will receive a refund in an amount to be determined after deducting event costs incurred up to the cancellation. This refund will be provided on a QUO card and accompanied by a commemorative item. ②Entry fees will not be refunded in the event the race is canceled due to a natural disaster, incident or accident, epidemic, or other cause, including due to the spread of COVID-19, or if you cancel for your own reasons.

Handling of personal data

The organizer recognizes the importance of personal data and complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other applicable laws and regulations. Personal data will be handled in accordance with the organizer’s Privacy Policy. Personal data collected by the organizer will be used to improve services provided to event participants, to provide event information, notify participants of times and related information, provide information about future events, to provide services from sponsors and other supporting organizations, and to announce times (rankings, etc.). It will not be used for any other purpose. Participants may be contacted by the organizer or a contractor to confirm information provided when they registered or to arrange an interview or other coverage as part of the production of related programming.

Insurance coverage

The organizer will provide sports injury insurance, but the policy will only cover bodily injury. It will not cover conditions such as heart failure.