
Privacy Policy

The Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Executive Committee (“the Committee”) recognizes the importance of personal data and is committed to observing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws, and to managing, protecting, and handling personal data in an appropriate manner according to the policy described below.

  1. Collection of personal data The Committee collects personal data using only fair and legal means.
  2. Use of personal data The Committee uses the personal data it collects for the purposes described below.
  3. Provision of personal data to third parties With the exception of the following circumstances, the Committee does not provide personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual in question:
    1. When compelled by law
    2. When disclosure is necessary in order to protect life, limb, or property under circumstances that would make it difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in question
    3. When disclosure is necessary in order to improve public health or to facilitate the healthy and sound development of children under circumstances that would make it difficult to obtain the consent of the individual in question
    4. When it is necessary to cooperate with efforts by a national agency or local public body or an authorized agent of same to carry out legally mandated steps and obtaining the consent of the individual in question would hinder the accomplishment of those steps
    Purposes for which Google Analytics is used
    1. Analyzing how the website is used
    2. Improving user experience
    3. Improving service
  4. Management of personal data The Committee maintains the integrity of the personal data in its possession and manages it in a safe manner. In addition, the Committee takes such steps as are appropriate to ensure security, for example by preventing unauthorized access and protecting its systems against computer viruses. Purposes for which ad conversion tracking is used
    1. Measuring the effectiveness of advertising
    2. Optimizing marketing activities
    3. Serving targeted ads
  5. Methods of use of personal data The Committee collects and uses personal data using methods that comply with this Privacy Policy.
  6. Disclosure, correction, cessation of use, and deletion of personal data The Committee recognizes the right of individuals to request the disclosure, correction, cessation of use, or deletion of their own personal data. When it receives such requests, it acts on them in a timely manner after verifying the identity of the requesting party. Please get in touch with the Committee via the contact information listed below. Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Executive Committee
    2-5-33 Minato, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture 891-0405
  7. Business objectives The Committee uses personal information for internal business purposes. These purposes include improving service content and functionality, deepening user understanding, improving services, preventing fraudulent activity, enforcing terms of use, providing customer service, and accomplishing overall management of its services.
  8. Organization and structures The Committee has put in place an organizational basis and structures for protecting personal data, and it works to educate and raise awareness on the part of employees and other involved people.
  9. Google Analytics and ad conversion tracking The Committee may, in accordance with customers’ browser settings, use customers’ personal data to contact them in the future for marketing and advertising purposes.
  10. Establishment, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of a personal data protection compliance program The Committee has established a personal data protection compliance program to give shape to this policy. It works to ensure employees and other involved people are aware of the program and strives to implement, maintain, and improve it on an ongoing basis.
  11. Collected personal data The Committee surveys customers’ demographics, interests, and activities based on personal data and other collected information. These surveys are ordinarily administered on a statistical basis that does not identify specific individuals.
  12. Disclosure and transfer of personal data With the exception of the following circumstances, the Committee does not disclose or transfer personal data to third parties without the consent of the individual in question:
    1. When compelled by law
    2. When sharing information with outside contractors and service providers
  13. Access and use When customers provide personal data so that they can access or use a service or function, the Committee uses personal data to provide access to, or to facilitate use of, the service or function and to analyze customers’ use of the service or function in question.
  14. Other purposes When the Committee plans to use personal data in a manner that does not accord with this Privacy Policy, it will either notify the user of the intended use prior to, or at the time of, collection of that data or obtain the consent of the customer prior to such use.
  15. Rights under the GDPR Customers have the following rights:
    1. Right to access personal data
    2. Right to correct personal data
    3. Right to delete personal data
    4. Right to limit processing of personal data
    5. Data portability rights
    6. Right to object to processing
    7. Right to exclusion from automated decision-making and profiling
  16. Off-site transmission of user information The Committee collects information about customers (user information) using terminal identifiers such as cookies and transmits it to third-party vendors in order to improve customers’ web experience, display content and ads that have been personalized for individual users, and improve its website through analysis of access. Please see below for the names of third-party vendors and services, the nature of user information sent to those vendors, and the purposes for which such information is used. Google Analytics
    Business name Google LLC
    Service name Google Analytics
    Transmitted user information
    • Client ID
    • IP address
    • URLs of pages viewed
    • Referrer
    • Device type
    • Operating system
    • Browser type
    • Language used
    • Image resolution
    Purpose of use The Committee collects information about website users and sends it to Google to analyze website performance and help make improvements. Google analyzes that information, compiles statistics based on it, and provides reports on website performance to the Committee. In addition, Google may use this information to improve its own services and products.
    Google Conversion Measurement
    Business nam Google LLC
    Business name Google広告
    Service name
    • Client ID
    • Ad click information
    Purpose of use Information describing website users’ clicks on ads placed by the Committee is stored by Google along with a unique client ID using cookies. When a conversion occurs on the Committee’s website, cookie information is loaded based on conversion tracking tags inserted into the website and sent along with conversion information to Google. The Committee measures the effectiveness of ads based on reports provided by Google.
    Facebook and Instagram Ads
    Business name Meta Platforms, Inc.
    Service name Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads
    Transmitted user information
    • User ID
    • URLs of accessed websites
    • Times and dates of access
    • Information about the browser used by the user
    • Ads acted upon by the user
    • When the user acted upon ads
    • Location of ad (on Instagram, on Facebook, etc.)
    Purpose of use In addition to enabling users of the website to share the contents of the Committee’s website on the Facebook and Instagram social networking services, this information may be used to analyze information about website users on Facebook and Instagram (to which the information is sent) and to serve ads from the Committee that are suited to the users of those websites on the Facebook and Instagram services. In addition, Meta uses that information to improve the quality of its products, and it may compare it with information about users collected from other sources, analyze it, and use it to optimize ads from businesses other than the Committee.
  17. Inquiries Questions and complaints about the handling of personal data should be directed to the following email address: Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon Executive Committee
    2-5-33 Minato, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima Prefecture 891-0405